2020-0826 – Ariyah – Pre-Reset

[Ariyah – Elysium – Cargo Section – BoL – A – PRE-RESET]

Ariyah thought about her own company when Jackson talked about stepping back from operations to manage the reins better. It was an understandable stance, but she couldn’t imagine herself only doing managerial work and not painting. If the time came, she’d just have to find a business manager for her company.

She didn’t say as much to Jackson; he was probably aware of such an option and chose to step back from frontline work anyway.

Ariyah took the business card Jackson handed to her and glanced at the information.

“Thank you,” she said, pocketing the card, “although I don’t have anything in mind right now, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind should anything comes up.”

“And you’re right, it is getting quite late, and I should head home,” Ariyah slid off the barstool, collecting her beanie and scarf at the same time, “It’s been a pleasure chatting with you Mr Mitchell and I look forward to seeing you around at Elysium in the future.”

With a nod of farewell at Jackson, Ariyah left the Elysium to make the trek back to the other end of Harbour Island where she’d call for a rideshare home.

(Ariyah leaves for her haven)

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