2020-0902 – Ariyah

[Ariyah – Lady Washington – Deck > The Stores – BoL – Fame 2 – A]

After just hearing Cross talk about the city’s surge of abandoned fledgling, here Ariyah was, talking to one. Was this really such an epidemic? She guessed it must be, otherwise the Prince wouldn’t have made such a big deal about Kindred taking in strays under their wings.

“Your sire disappeared? Did he leave you a note, or just went just didn’t come home one day?” Ariyah hesitated a beat before asking the next question, “He didn’t have any enemies, did he?”

When Yuri said he was a mortician, Ariyah blinked. Most Kindred she knew tried to surround themselves with living, breathing Kine to help ward off the Beast. It was one of the reasons why she joined so many night classes. But here was a Kindred who dealt with the dead on a nightly basis.

“Is that why you were so interested in the beheaded corpse?” Ariyah asked, keeping her voice low – it probably wouldn’t stop some very determined Kindreds from overhearing, but it was low enough to deter casual eavesdroppers, “Because you’re a mortician?”

[The two proceed to #the-stores]

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